Carnival time again
Yes, the Carnival of Comedy is back.
And yours truly is among the "wits" represented.
Pay a visit, if you will.
We Americans are lucky to live in a country with a history full of noble ideas, great leaders and awe-inspiring accomplishments. Sadly, many of our elites want no part of it. - Michael Barone
Yes, the Carnival of Comedy is back.
There is a "disturbing" trend developing among some of my regular reads.
There is a Canadian of some import who gets the War on Terror.
Another weekend, another round of Return for Re-grooving.
The Minutemen are at it again, according to the Washington Times.
Canada in general and Toronto in particular are places to watch for terrorist cells, a former FBI agent who specializes in terrorism studies told a conference in Canada this week.
They've got a deal. The players won't like it. The owners will love it.
It now appears that the London blasts were the work of murder-suicide bombers.
The truth about the Ten Commandments and courthouses is really pretty simple. The Decalogue has no place at a courthouse.
For the rest of the summer, it's going to be a wild run of either big bursts or dry spells. Too many projects drawing my attention at the homestead, plus vacation time, plus family visiting us, etc., etc.
People might get killed in a terrorist attack, but there are more important things to worry about, according to the Screech.
Hillary was on the campaign trail this weekend.
You know, we've got all this mad cow discussion going on and have had it for years.
Over the weekend, two of my regular reads posted excellent reads on Islam.