Thursday, September 07, 2006

Why Daddy and Mommy aren't Democrats

There's a "children's book" out there called "Why Mommy Is A Democrat."
It appeals to the children who now run the U.S. Democratic Party, for sure.
But there is a counter-book now being developed in the bowels of a think tank in Mocanaqua, Pa., called "Why Daddy and Mommy Aren't Democrats."
The book isn't finished yet; however, the cracked research team here at Either Orr has acquired some of the drafts of the text and instructions for illustrations. Here are just a few.
Democrats want us all to share... with them. But they forget the rule that when you share things, you return them when you're done.
[Illustration: Donkey with Ted Kennedy's head takes the best toys away.]
Democrats cry when they don't get their own way.
[Illustration: Donkey with Howard Dean's head braying its fool head off. Donkey with Harry Reid's head kicks its back legs like an idiot.]
Democrats don't stand up to bullies.
[Illustration: Donkey with Hillary Clinton's head licks Osama Looney Bin Ladin's beard. Donkey with Jimmy Carter's head has a leg around Kim Jong Il's shoulder.]
More to come as the cracked research team does its thing.

Sunday, September 03, 2006

A blood-boiler

Here's a tale that may boil your blood. Fortunately, someone had some sense...
UPPER UWCHLAN -- Orleans Homebuilders has overruled the Byers Station Homeowners Association’s decision to reject John and Cindy McMahon’s petition to place a two-foot statue of the Virgin Mary in front of their home.
Company officials confirmed earlier rumors about the action Friday under condition of anonymity.
The McMahons remained skeptical, saying the association lied to them before, and they have not received any documentation to that effect.

"As far as I’m concerned, it’s all up in the air," John McMahon said. "It’s kind of odd how they haven’t contacted us, but they’ve talked to the news media."
He said his wife Cindy had spoken with Community Management Services Group Thursday, which told her the order had been rescinded, but John McMahon said the company refused to fax them any documentation.
John McMahon said he wouldn’t believe anything until he receives written documentation from Orleans or the homeowners’ association, because of past incidents when he felt they didn’t keep their word.
When contacted Friday, Community Management Services Group would not comment on the change, and instead directed attention to Orleans, which made the decision.
The association’s board of directors informed the McMahons that their exterior change application had been denied "due to the religious nature of the statue" in an Aug. 15 letter.